Leading the organic waste revolution - Universities in particular were among the first sectors to realize the importance of dealing with food wastes. As early as 2006, the U.K. Universities adapted the Rocket composter in vessel as the ideal solution to treat food waste onsite. The same path has followed in the U.S. where universities have been the early adapters of cutting edge in vessel technology to treat food waste onsite. U.S. Community college's have also embrace the Rocket composter as the ideal solution for food waste. We have also implemented waste pulpers to minimize food waste volume. These sites that have grounds and gardens on which to use the compost which are an example of a perfect closed loop application.
Private Boarding Schools: With hi end catering - plenty of fresh food that needs preparation for up to 1,000 students eating three meals per day leads to significant plate scraps and pre-consumer food waste. This is also a perfect application in the U.S. for on site in vessel composting and waste pulpers. Composting is a fantastic teaching tool. Public schools do not generate as much food waste as the private schools however there is plenty of food waste that needs to be treat onsite. The Rocket® composter is an ideal educational tool for teaching students. Teachers can use the Rocket composter to present and explain concepts such as life cycle, ecosystems, the importance of death and decomposition, soil, recycling, resource management, energy savings, non-biodegradable and biodegradable items, garbage, landfills, carbon, nitrogen, greenhouse gases, among other subjects.
Hotel & Hospitality:
From a remote island luxury hotel using a Rocket composter to the Crowne Plaza hotel in NYC Times Square using a aerobic digester we have a onsite solution to treat food waste. There is significant pressure and clients high expectations for hotels to implement and execute sustainable organic solutions when it comes to treating food waste. In addition, with increasing pressure to reduce the disposal costs of food wastes at sea, where there is minimal access to waste management providers, these sites need a solution that deals with the food wastes before putrification, odours and vermin cause. There are aerobic digesters and dehydrators used at vessels at sea to treat food waste onboard. On site composting using the Rocket different models along with a pre-treatment waste pulper has been the most popular choice with the added benefit of a useable compost to benefit the arid soils.
Luxury Hotel Chains: Dubai, Italy, Portugal, Greece, the UK and Hong Kong, who along with high bedroom occupancy rates running spas, conferencing facilities and golf clubs as part of the overall business model are generating larger volumes of food waste. Most often these sites have extensive grounds and gardens where the ideal solution is Rocket composter in vessel. Not all sites have green areas and instead look for a volume minimization solution to reduce disposal costs. A common minimization option is dehydration, which is a particularly useful solution due to an 80% volume and weight reduction. Hotels in lower temperatures places where they don't have to worry about the effects of the rotting process of discarded food waste have taken the route of implementing a waste pulper as a cost effective method of food waste disposal / minimization.
Chain Restaurants: Typically this sector of hospitality has much lower volumes of preparation waste, higher volumes of wet food waste particularly from plate scrapings and limited space for waste handling equipment. Waste pulpers and aerobic digesters are ideal options to treat food waste onsite. The waste pulpers allow for a 70% volume reduction but most important for a 70% reduction on disposal costs.
Mining Oil & Gas exploration:
Oil and Gas Pipeline Labour Camps: With applications across Turkey, Azerbaijan and the former Russian State of Georgia, there are 7 different locations for large scale equipment that generate energy from the food waste produced by 400-2,000 person. These sites need a solution that prevents food waste from being transported many miles to a registered facility. Having a robust unit on hand that generates heat and hot water for the kitchens, showers and laundry is ideal. The Dragon is a scalable solution and can be provided for sites with 200-10,000 staff on site.
Remote Mines & Mine Labour: With remote mines often come some unusual reasons for wanting to treat food wastes on site, from preventing bear attacks in Alaska to snake bites in Africa, but treating food wastes at source in remote applications where landfill or uncontrolled dumping of wastes is no longer permitted. On site Rocket composting is ideal allowing the use of a composted end product for land remediation. Otherwise as with the oil and gas industry the Dragon food waste to energy system a preferred alternative providing a simple “on off” robust method of turning the food wastes into useable energy, within a minimal footprint.
Military bases, Prisons & Jails - applications include:
In some instances, small amounts of food waste but high collection costs due to the high security needed and vehicles often having to wait to enter site for lengthy periods increases dramatically the disposal costs. Although these sites have lower number of staff on site, they have to work 24/7 and need a simple solution to minimize food waste.
Leading by example we have larger prisons using the Rocket composter in vessel to treat food waste onsite. These sites have a large numbers of inmates and staff to care for them, the prison system feeds 3 meals per day generates particularly high volumes of food waste. Minimizing security risk of vehicle traffic inside the site, keeping food waste from leaving the site is a preferred method where possible. The Rocket composter in vessel not only provides with an easy operation but also allows education for the inmates as part of waste management courses taught as part of the rehabilitation process.
Military Bases either at home or at the field need a simple solution that is in line with best practice, bearing in mind that a solution that prevents waste leaving site is preferred. For U.K. military bases the Rocket composter in vessel has been the preferred option while it is also possible to treat other waste generated at site by pre-shredding and composting with the food waste. Most recently with the development of the Dragon, field bases have expressed an interest in the fully containerised food waste to energy solution because of its simple “on / off” ability to generate energy and robust portable construction.
Imagine how much food is wasted within the healthcare industry, where hospital food is notorious for being, well, just hospital food. Though most hospitals have well established, fundamental sustainability activities like recycling programs, tackling food waste to lessen their environmental impact requires a new level of commitment and some creativity. Another reason for waste is the quality of the food served which is not fresh most of the times. It’s not groundbreaking news that unappealing food will inevitably get tossed aside. There is a shift to promote fresh food at the healthcare industry which will lead to high levels of pre-consumer food waste and also more post-consumer food waste. Waste pulpers are an ideal option to treat food waste onsite at hospitals. The waste pulpers allow for a 70% volume reduction but most important for a 70% reduction on disposal costs.
Marine vessels:
Being space a premium on most luxury yachts, having a solution on board that can reduce the volume and weight of the food wastes is essential. Exploration vessels being at sea for long periods of time and in certain areas no longer being allowed to dispose the food waste directly at sea, have to stored the food waste on ship. Traditionally these food waste has to be either frozen – but this takes up valuable space in the fresh food freezer, or stored in bins on ship, but in hot temperatures the food waste expands producing some gas and becomes a hazard. using the Gobi dryer and producing a sterile inert material 80% less in weight and volume that will no longer putresce is a perfect solution. The dehydrators and aerobic digesters are ideal as an alternative to cold storage for food waste.